
Take the First Step Towards Solar Savings

In the heart of New England, Massachusetts offers more than just rich history and beautiful landscapes—it also presents a prime opportunity to harness the power of the sun through solar energy. With its commitment to renewable energy and supportive policies, Massachusetts has become a beacon for homeowners looking to save money while reducing their carbon footprint.

Why Go Solar in Massachusetts?

  1. Financial Incentives: Massachusetts offers robust financial incentives to homeowners who install solar panels. These incentives include Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), which can be sold for extra income, and the Residential Renewable Energy Income Tax Credit, allowing you to deduct a portion of the installation costs from your state income taxes.
  2. Net Metering: The state’s net metering policy allows homeowners to receive credits on their utility bills for the excess electricity their solar panels generate and send back to the grid. This means you can effectively reduce or even eliminate your electricity bills.
  3. Environmental Impact: By generating clean, renewable energy from the sun, you can significantly reduce your household’s carbon footprint. This is a tangible way to contribute to a healthier environment for future generations.

Why Choose Our Solar Experts?

At SGE Solar, we specialize in helping Massachusetts, Rhode Island, & New Hampshire homeowners & businesses make the switch to solar power seamlessly. Here’s how our solar experts can assist you:

  1. Free Solar Quote: We offer a no-obligation solar quote that outlines how much you can save by switching to solar. Our experts will assess your home’s energy needs, roof orientation, and other factors to provide you with a personalized savings estimate.
  2. Customized Solutions: Every home is unique, and our team understands that. We tailor solar solutions to fit your specific energy goals and budget, ensuring maximum efficiency and savings.
  3. Expert Guidance: From initial consultation to post-installation support, our knowledgeable team will guide you through every step of the process. We handle paperwork, permits, and inspections, making the transition to solar stress-free for you.

Take the First Step Towards Solar Savings

Now is the perfect time to take advantage of Massachusetts’ solar incentives and make the switch to clean, renewable energy. Contact us today to schedule your free solar quote! Let our experts show you how much you can save—and how easy it can be to go solar!

Join the thousands of Massachusetts homeowners who are already enjoying the benefits of solar energy. Make the environmentally responsible choice that also saves you money in the long run. Together, we can create a brighter, cleaner future for our communities.

A Decade of Local Solar Installation in Massachusetts

In the ever-evolving landscape of renewable energy, Massachusetts has emerged as a beacon of progress, particularly in solar power. At the heart of this movement are the local solar installers, who have been instrumental in reshaping the energy narrative of the state. Among these trailblazers stands us (Second Generation Energy, SGE Solar), a testament to resilience, expertise, and unwavering commitment.

In 2008, amidst a growing awareness of climate change and a burgeoning interest in renewable energy, SGE Solar took its first steps into solar installation. What began as a modest venture soon flourished into a cornerstone of the local solar industry. The early years were marked by challenges, from navigating regulatory hurdles to convincing skeptics of the viability of solar power. However, fueled by a passion for sustainability and a dedication to excellence, SGE Solar persevered.

As the solar landscape in Massachusetts evolved, so did Second Generation Energy. With each passing year, we honed our craft, staying abreast of technological advancements and industry best practices. From residential rooftop installations to large commercial solar projects, SGE Solar diversified its portfolio, catering to the diverse needs of homeowners, and businesses across the state as well in Rhode Island & parts of New Hampshire. Moreover, a steadfast commitment to quality and customer satisfaction earned SGE Solar a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness.

While numerous successes have marked the journey of Second Generation Energy, it has not been without its share of challenges. Fluctuating incentives, changing regulations, and economic downturns tested our resilience. Yet, through strategic planning, adaptability, and a forward-thinking approach, SGE Solar weathered the storms, emerging stronger and more resilient each time.

Central to the ethos of SGE Solar is a deep-rooted connection to the local community. Beyond merely installing solar panels, we have been actively involved in outreach programs, and advocacy efforts to promote solar energy awareness and accessibility. Second Generation Energy has played a pivotal role in driving the adoption of solar energy across Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.

As SGE Solar celebrates over a decade of serving the solar needs of Massachusetts, the journey is far from over. With renewable energy poised to play an increasingly crucial role in shaping the future, we remain committed to leading the charge towards a more sustainable tomorrow. Whether through technological innovation, strategic partnerships, or community engagement, SGE Solar continues to illuminate the path toward a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future for all!

As you witness the eclipse, consider how much energy the sun provides us!

As you may already know, today marks a celestial event that captures the imagination of people worldwide – a solar eclipse. While the moon briefly obscures the sun, casting a shadow across our planet, it’s a reminder of the incredible power our star holds.

At SGE Solar, we’re all about harnessing the power of the sun every single day, not just during astronomical phenomena. As you witness the eclipse, consider how much energy the sun provides us, and how you can tap into this abundant resource to power your home or business sustainably.

Don’t let today’s eclipse be just a momentary spectacle. Let it be a catalyst for change, inspiring you to embrace renewable energy and make a positive impact on our planet.

If you’re interested in learning more about how solar energy can benefit you, we’re here to help. Our team of experts can provide you with a personalized consultation and guide you through the process from start to finish.

Harness the power of the sun and illuminate your life with solar energy. Contact us today to take the first step towards a brighter, more sustainable future.

Why Now Is the Time to Go Solar

In recent years, the adoption of solar energy has surged dramatically as individuals and businesses seek cleaner, more sustainable alternatives to traditional fossil fuels. While this shift towards solar power is undoubtedly commendable for its environmental benefits, it also poses unique challenges to utility infrastructure, particularly to transformer capacity.

As more and more households and businesses install solar panels on their rooftops or invest in larger solar farms, the strain on utility transformers has become increasingly apparent. Transformers are crucial components of the electrical grid, responsible for stepping up or down voltage levels to ensure the safe and efficient distribution of electricity. However, the growing prevalence of solar installations has led to instances of transformer overloading, where the electricity demand exceeds the transformer’s capacity to handle it.

Unlike traditional power sources such as coal or natural gas, which can be controlled and adjusted based on demand, solar energy production is dependent on factors like weather conditions and time of day. This unpredictability can result in sudden surges of solar energy being fed back into the grid, potentially overwhelming transformers designed for a more predictable flow of electricity.

In some cases, overloaded transformers may need to be replaced or upgraded to accommodate the increased demand for electricity, a process that can be time-consuming and costly for consumers.

Given these challenges, there has never been a more compelling time to embrace solar energy and reduce our reliance on traditional power sources. By investing in solar panels now, before your local transformer reaches its capacity limits, you can help alleviate the strain on the grid and contribute to a more stable and sustainable energy future.

Moreover, going solar offers numerous benefits beyond just easing the burden on utility transformers. It allows individuals and businesses to reduce their carbon footprint, lower their electricity bills, and gain energy independence. With advancements in solar technology and declining installation costs, solar power has become increasingly accessible and cost-effective for homeowners and businesses of all sizes.

The rise of solar energy presents both opportunities and challenges for our energy infrastructure. While the transition to solar power is essential for combating climate change and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, it also requires careful planning and investment in upgrading and modernizing the grid. By going solar now, you can not only take advantage of the numerous benefits of clean energy but also help mitigate the risks of transformer overloading and ensure a more resilient and sustainable energy future for generations to come.

Solar Panels and Mini-Split system

Installing mini-split air conditioning systems along with solar panels can be a smart and energy-efficient choice for several reasons:

  1. Energy Efficiency:
    • Mini-split systems are known for their energy efficiency compared to traditional HVAC systems. They use inverter technology, which allows them to adjust their output based on the cooling or heating needs of the room, thus consuming less energy.
  2. Solar Offset:
    • Solar panels can generate clean and renewable energy from the sun. When you have solar panels installed, you can offset the electricity costs associated with running your mini-split system. This means that during sunny periods, the energy needed to cool or heat your space can be supplied by the solar panels, reducing your reliance on the grid.
  3. Environmental Benefits:
    • Combining solar panels with mini-split systems helps reduce the overall carbon footprint of your home. By utilizing renewable energy from the sun, you decrease the reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy solution.
  4. Cost Savings:
    • Over time, the combination of solar panels and energy-efficient mini-split systems can result in significant cost savings on your electricity bills. While the initial installation costs may be higher, the long-term savings and potential incentives or rebates can make it a financially sound investment.
  5. Off-Grid Capability:
    • In some cases, if your solar panel system is designed with energy storage (batteries), you may have the ability to operate your mini-split system even during periods of low sunlight or at night. This adds a level of resilience and potential for off-grid living.
  6. Zoning and Individual Control:
    • Mini-split systems often provide zoning capabilities, allowing you to control the temperature in individual rooms or zones. This can lead to more efficient use of energy, as you can heat or cool only the areas that are in use.

Before proceeding with such installations, it’s essential to conduct a thorough energy audit of your home to determine the appropriate size and capacity of both the mini-split system and the solar panel array. Additionally, local regulations, incentives, and the availability of sunlight in your area should be considered for optimal results. Consulting with a professional HVAC and SGE Solar can help you make informed decisions tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

The Future is Bright: Massachusetts Relaxes Net Metering Cap for Solar Projects

The future of renewable energy in Massachusetts is looking brighter than ever! Last year Governor Baker signed H5060, An Act Driving Clean Energy and Offshore Wind, into law. This landmark legislation, which seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the state’s dependence on fossil fuels, includes a key provision to relax the net metering cap for residential solar projects up to 25 kilowatts. This is a major step forward for renewable energy initiatives in the state, and with this new policy, Massachusetts will be able to take advantage of the economic and environmental benefits of solar energy.


The new law is an important milestone in Massachusetts’ commitment to clean energy, and we’re excited to see what the future holds. Contact us to learn more and to get a free solar quote for your home or business! 

Snow and Your Solar Panels

We are looking forward to some good old fashioned snow BUT…we wanted to post a quick reminder about snow and your solar system.

  • Snow can pile up and then slide forcefully off of your modules
  • Refrain from parking under panels that are likely to dump snow
  • Don’t play under panels that have snow which can slide

We advise against getting up on your roof to remove snow off your panels. The panels gather enough sun to eventually melt the snow, which will slide off the glass surface. Using a rake or shovel up on the roof could harm the panels. Please remember the panel warranty doesn’t cover damage caused by the homeowner. Plus, getting on a snowy roof would risk you getting hurt, which nobody wants!

Snow Guards

SnowGuards snow management systems are important for any low-friction, sloped roof. Snow and ice can avalanche off a low-friction, sloped roof and pose a hazard to people and property below.

Our SnowGuards products hold the snow and ice in position on the roof, allowing it to melt and shed gradually, instead of all at once.

Contact us today for a quote!

Photovoltaic solar systems

More people are deciding to go solar every year. Going solar will reduce or eliminate your electric bill, earn a good return for your investment, increase your property value, protect against rising energy costs, and protect the environment by cutting your consumption of non-renewable energy.

Solar power converts energy from sunlight using either photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP), or a combination. PV systems have cells that convert light into an electric current using the photovoltaic effect. They are the most widely used and well-known systems. PV systems are easy for residents to use on their properties. They can be mounted on the roof or as a ground mount. You can install a PV system that is either fixed in place or that uses a solar tracker to follow the sun across the sky.

Second Generation Energy installs and designs commercial and residential PV systems.  We believe that renewable energy combined with conservation measures will have the greatest impact on solving our energy problems. Looking to go solar? Give us a call, email, or stop by for a visit today!