What Does Net Zero Actually Look Like?
First of all, what is the definition of net zero?
First of all, what is the definition of net zero?
Most of our residential installations are done on roofs with an angle, or tilt. However, if you have a flat roof, don’t fear! You have options so that you can still take advantage of solar power for your home.
There are a lot of different numbers, statistics, and ratings that come with understanding your solar panel system.
Has your heat bill been higher this winter? Heating costs overall are predicted to be higher this winter – and we have definitely been feeling the effects!
Residential Installation Highlights of 2022 Here are some of our highlight installs from each month of 2022! Hover over the image to see what month we installed each solar panel system in.
Electricity in Massachusetts comes from a few main sources: Solar, Wind, Hydroelectric power, Biomass, Petroleum, and Natural gas. Currently, natural gas is the largest source of electricity, coming in at 67% of electricity fuel. Next is renewables at 30%, then hydroelectric and lastly petroleum at 0.5%. The graph below from the EIA shows this breakdown.
Residential Installation Highlights of 2021 Here are some of our highlight residential installs from each month of 2021! Hover over the image to see what month we installed each solar panel system in.
This fall, Enphase Energy released its newest solar technology: the IQ8 microinverter. As described on their website, this new inverter is the “industry’s first grid-forming microinverters with split-phase power conversion capability to convert DC power to AC power efficiently.”
Happy December everyone! Now that the weather is finally cooling down and we might have some snow on the horizon, here is some info about maintaining your solar panels through the winter.