
A Decade of Local Solar Installation in Massachusetts

In the ever-evolving landscape of renewable energy, Massachusetts has emerged as a beacon of progress, particularly in solar power. At the heart of this movement are the local solar installers, who have been instrumental in reshaping the energy narrative of the state. Among these trailblazers stands us (Second Generation Energy, SGE Solar), a testament to resilience, expertise, and unwavering commitment.

In 2008, amidst a growing awareness of climate change and a burgeoning interest in renewable energy, SGE Solar took its first steps into solar installation. What began as a modest venture soon flourished into a cornerstone of the local solar industry. The early years were marked by challenges, from navigating regulatory hurdles to convincing skeptics of the viability of solar power. However, fueled by a passion for sustainability and a dedication to excellence, SGE Solar persevered.

As the solar landscape in Massachusetts evolved, so did Second Generation Energy. With each passing year, we honed our craft, staying abreast of technological advancements and industry best practices. From residential rooftop installations to large commercial solar projects, SGE Solar diversified its portfolio, catering to the diverse needs of homeowners, and businesses across the state as well in Rhode Island & parts of New Hampshire. Moreover, a steadfast commitment to quality and customer satisfaction earned SGE Solar a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness.

While numerous successes have marked the journey of Second Generation Energy, it has not been without its share of challenges. Fluctuating incentives, changing regulations, and economic downturns tested our resilience. Yet, through strategic planning, adaptability, and a forward-thinking approach, SGE Solar weathered the storms, emerging stronger and more resilient each time.

Central to the ethos of SGE Solar is a deep-rooted connection to the local community. Beyond merely installing solar panels, we have been actively involved in outreach programs, and advocacy efforts to promote solar energy awareness and accessibility. Second Generation Energy has played a pivotal role in driving the adoption of solar energy across Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.

As SGE Solar celebrates over a decade of serving the solar needs of Massachusetts, the journey is far from over. With renewable energy poised to play an increasingly crucial role in shaping the future, we remain committed to leading the charge towards a more sustainable tomorrow. Whether through technological innovation, strategic partnerships, or community engagement, SGE Solar continues to illuminate the path toward a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future for all!

Commercial Solar in 2023

Going Solar in 2023

We’ve never seen anything like it.  The Inflation Reduction Act has enacted Federal Tax Credits for Solar that increase previous amounts by 100% in some cases.

Many of our clients are enjoying 50% tax credits.  When combined with depreciation, those tax credits result in tax shields covering 75% of a system’s cost.

The Dept of the Treasury has released guidance on the tax credits and various adders that create the pathway to retaining these tax credits

Call or email us now to set up your no-cost consultation and see if your site can capitalize on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Unprecedented Tax Breaks

The investment Tax Credit has been increased from 26% to 30%, and may now be transferred or sold to other taxpayers. The 30% applies to both business and residential projects, including projects installed in 2023, and will last until the end of 2032.

Energy storage projects were previously ineligible for tax credits unless they were connected directly to solar power projects. The Inflation Reduction Act removes these requirements and allows energy storage projects to receive the same 30% tax credit, even if they are stand-alone facilities. Batteries connected to a solar power project will continue to qualify for the credit, even if they are no longer being charged by solar power.

Interconnection costs will also be included in the tax credit, for projects smaller than 5 MWac.

  • Domestic content – 10% tax credit adder
  • Project siting – 10% tax credit adder
  • Clean electricity production credit
  • 60% tax credit opportunity?

Solar Panel Removal and Reinstallation

Do you need a new roof, but are hesitant to make the investment because you already have solar panels installed? Look no further than our solar removal and reinstallation services for an affordable solution. We offer reliable solar panel removal and reinstallation services for homeowners who need to replace their roofs.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing fast and efficient solutions to accommodate your needs. We understand the unique challenges that come with removing and reinstalling solar panels, and our team has the experience and knowledge necessary to ensure that the process goes smoothly.

When you choose SGE Solar for your removal and reinstallation needs, you can rest easy knowing that we prioritize on getting the system down efficiently so you can have your roof completed. We can use most of the existing equipment, new footings, and reliable techniques to ensure that your panels are removed and reinstalled with care.

We understand that replacing your roof can be a significant investment, which is why we offer our services at an affordable price. Our service team is committed to offering high-quality services at a competitive price.

Contact our Service Team today to get a Free R&R Quote today!


What Does Net Zero Actually Look Like?

First of all, what is the definition of net zero? 

Solar Panels on a Flat Roof

Most of our residential installations are done on roofs with an angle, or tilt. However, if you have a flat roof, don’t fear! You have options so that you can still take advantage of solar power for your home.

Understanding the Numbers

There are a lot of different numbers, statistics, and ratings that come with understanding your solar panel system.

Energy Costs this Winter

Has your heat bill been higher this winter? Heating costs overall are predicted to be higher this winter – and we have definitely been feeling the effects!

2022 Installation Highlights

Residential Installation Highlights of 2022 Here are some of our highlight installs from each month of 2022! Hover over the image to see what month we installed each solar panel system in.

What Fuels your Electricity in Massachusetts?

Electricity in Massachusetts comes from a few main sources: Solar, Wind, Hydroelectric power, Biomass, Petroleum, and Natural gas. Currently, natural gas is the largest source of electricity, coming in at 67% of electricity fuel. Next is renewables at 30%, then hydroelectric and lastly petroleum at 0.5%. The graph below from the EIA shows this breakdown.

2021 Installation Highlights

Residential Installation Highlights of 2021 Here are some of our highlight residential installs from each month of 2021! Hover over the image to see what month we installed each solar panel system in.